Co-Dependents Anonymous of San Diego is a fellowship of men and women whose common purpose is to develop healthy relationships. The only requirement for membership is a desire for healthy and loving relationships. We rely on the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions for knowledge and wisdom. These are the principles of our program and guides to developing honest and fulfilling relationships. Through applying the Twelve Steps and principles in CoDA to our daily life and relationships, both present and past, we can experience a new freedom from our self-defeating lifestyles and realize a new joy, acceptance and serenity in our lives.
If you are a newcomer or a mental health professional seeking additional information about CoDA and codependency, please visit the outreach section of our site.
Virtual Meeting Disruptor Guidelines
Here is a PDF file to help with dealing with virtual meeting disruptors.
Upcoming Events and Recovery
March 28-30, 2025 - Fri-Sun - CoDAchella Desert Camping
Vallecita County Park Campground - Anza-Borrego Desert State Park
RSVP Form here
Contact info is on the flyer, which can be downloaded here.
April 26, 2025 - 9am - 2pm - Super Seminar Saturday
Save the date! More information soon!
The March 2025 Newsletter is Here!
The latest San Diego CoDA Community newsletter can be downloaded here!
For backissues of the newsletters, please go the Newsletter page .
Community Meeting
The next Community meeting is 10:00am Saturday, March 15th, 2025. Zoom Links -
Meeting ID 883 4535 8086# passcode SDCoda or
Open Board and Chair positions elections still open...
Alternate Regional Representative (elected in odd numbered years) -
responsibilities in the absence of the Regional Representative and shall attend
functions with the Regional Representative whenever possible.
Recording Secretary (elected in odd numbered years) - Sonya is terming out of service.
The RECORDING SECRETARY shall be responsible for taking and transcribing
the minutes of the monthly Committee meetings, which shall include all
announcements, and all motions made, whether carried or not. The Recording
Secretary shall distribute the minutes and other materials as the Committee may
designate. The minutes of a monthly meeting shall be distributed to each Group
Service Representative, Committee Officer, sub-committee chair, and affiliated
chairs prior to the date of the following meeting.
Parliamentarian (elected in odd numbered years) -
The PARLIAMENTARIAN ensures that the Committee’s meetings are conducted
in accordance with the Twelve Traditions, The Committee’s group conscience,
and parliamentary procedures established by the Committee.
Public Info-Mail Chair (elected in odd numbered years) – Sonya is terming out of
service. Picks up the CoDA Community mail at the Post Office Box, directs mail as
indicated, sends out requests for meeting schedules.
Public Info-Internet Chair, aka Webmaster, (elected in odd numbered years) -
will keep the San Diego CoDA Community web page updated.
Outreach Chair (elected in odd years) - Coordinates the activities of committees which facilitate community outreach by
participating at fairs and other local events, and which spread awareness through
communication with mental health professionals, creation of classified
announcements for the local media, bulletin board flyers, etc.
Community Calendar
Subscribe to Our Mailing List
Where to Send 7th Tradition Donations
A group's Seventh Tradition suggested percent contributions are in parentheses, after establishing "meeting expenses," and "prudent reserves."
San Diego County CoDA (60%) -
P.O. BOX 720064
San Diego, CA 92172-0064
Venmo User:SanDiegoCoDA-Community Email: --- Zelle Email:
Southern Californa CoDA (20%) -
10866 Washington Blvd. #1266
Culver City, CA 90232
CoDA, Inc. (20%) -
P.O. BOX 33577
Phoenix, AZ 85067-3577